• Is Stepparent Adoption Right for You?

    So, your divorce is comfortably behind you. You have a new partner, and your kids adore them. Is it time to make them officially “mom” or “dad”? Is stepparent adoption right for you? Parental Rights Are No Joke The first thing to understand when deciding if stepparent adoption is in the cards for you is…

  • Are You Afraid to Apologize?

    A few weeks ago a client emailed me for advice about a fight she was having with her ex. Her custody agreement said that both parents would let the other know if they were going out of town with the kids overnight. My client had totally forgotten that provision, and went out of state with…

  • Why You Need A Therapist

    Why You Need A Therapist

    Often when I’m in a consultation with a new client, after telling me a long story about how much they’ve suffered with their ex, the client will say “I’m sorry.  I know you’re not my therapist.” Hey, friend, I don’t mind at all if you tell me long personal stories.  Heck, it’s probably impossible to…

  • If you can’t say something nice…

    If you can’t say something nice…

    Have you ever heard the saying “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”?  It’s good advice, and it goes double when it comes to talking about your child’s other parent. I get it.Your ex is a terrible person.Probably a certifiable narcissist.No, seriously! But here’s the problem:  No matter how terrible your…

  • Discipline when you disagree

    Discipline when you disagree

    Let’s say your kid messes up, big time.  He’s disrespectful to grandma.  Paints the dog.  Sneaks out of the house in the night.  Whatever it is, it calls for consequences. But what consequences? Time out?  Time in?  Spanking?  Grounding?  Taking away privileges?  Or just having a Serious Talk?  With all the discipline methods out there,…

  • Divorce is bad for kids – or is it?

    Divorce is bad for kids – or is it?

    If you found this site at 3 a.m. by Googling “is divorce bad for kids,” I want to say hi, friend. You’re not alone. If you’re feeling a bit confused right now, it’s not you. Even researchers who get paid good money for this stuff don’t always agree on the impact of divorce on children….

About the Author

I’m a Virginia family lawyer with over fifteen years of experience helping grown-ups navigate divorce. I also represent children as a guardian ad litem, meaning that I make recommendations to the court about what is in the best interests of children. I’m a certified Child Welfare Specialist through the National Association of Counsel for Children, and I’m also a nerd who enjoys studying what we can do to get the best outcomes for kids in divorce and other court cases involving children.

In cases involving children, what’s best for the child should come first, every time. If you agree, let’s talk.

Elizabeth Santoro Vaughan